
Today's word count: 2,224 as of 5:30 p.m. Total word count to date: 24,687.

I have reached the halfway point. It is day 16 of 30. If your math skills are better than mine, you will notice that I should have passed 25,000 yesterday and did not. Overall the day has been successful. Today's stuff is better than most of the last few days as far as direction is concerned. Things are getting better. I want to get another 2,000 written today, but that may have to wait until later this evening.

According to my guidebook, Week Three is supposed to be easier than the dreaded Week Two. We shall see how that goes. My un-encouraging friend ("discouraging" doesn't do him justice) is doing a smashing job of telling me that I will not finish the book. I can't blame him; he's just doing his job.

And in other news, I am beginning to hate my cell phone. People expect me to drop everything to answer it and then assume that I have vanished into the depths of the earth if I do not immediately return their phone calls.

That doesn't relate to anything else, but I wanted to put it down somewhere.

Enjoy your day.


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