Musical Addictions

There was a time not too long ago when I only bought new cds as a reward, generally for finishing a thesis paper or big project. I also had a rule that I would only buy it if I knew that I liked at least two songs. The rule served me well; it kept me from buying on a whim and being disappointed later. Of course, that was back in college when most of my money went to club activities and Taco Bell runs.

My recent change in purchase attitude is largely due to two things: a) I needed some inspiring music for my mad writing month, and b) I recently received some unexpected cash. Put a and b together and you get a very exciting but dangerous habit. There is a voice in my head that tells me not to walk into the music section at B&N, but I don't listen to her anymore.

And so, here is a brief list of the new additions (all within the last month, I believe) in something close to purchasing order, starting with the most recent.

Rocky Votolato- Burning My Travels Clean
Blues Traveler- Travelouge: Blues Traveler Classics
Iron & Wine- Creek Drank the Cradle
Jack Johnson- Between Dreams
Jars of Clay- Redemption Songs
Travis- The Invisible Band
Damien Rice- O
Moby- Hotel
Josh Rouse- Nashville

No reviews, no suggestions that you must immediatly rush out and buy them. They're not for everyone, I know.

Next purchase: DMB's Stand Up, which arrives on May 10th.

Really, I am going to halt all cd purchases until then. I promise...I think.

Enjoy your music.


    On 19/4/05 22:09 Anonymous said...

    Who is this Jack Johnson that people keep talking about? I'm forever five years behind music trends. That might be because new raves turn me off. Meh. Enjoy him... I'll give him a try in a couple years. ;)


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