Proposition 314- Spring Break for Adults

There aren't too many things I miss about college life-- bad cafeteria food, mountains of homework, a constant lack of sleep-- these are things I can live without. What I do miss are the vacation days. I looked forward to the time when I could avoid cracking open a textbook and actually had a reason to justify doing so. (It's Spring Break...nobody should do homework on vacation!)

Now that I'm an 8-to-5 girl, I think that it's ridiculous to expect a few days off here and there to tide us over. I get a day each for the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and New Year's and two days for Christmas. And since I've put in a year with the company, I also will get a week's vacation (Tennessee, here I come!). 52 glorious weeks in the year, and I am obligated to work 50 of them. Does that seem right? What made anyone think that I could handle spending every beautiful sunny day trapped inside an office where the windows don't open?

So I propose the following: we hardworking adults should be rewarded with a Spring Break (it doesn't even have to be in the spring, since everyone in Oklahoma takes their break before spring actually arrives, and the weather here is so iffy anyway.) I know that it would do us all some good to breathe the fresh air and give our monitor-weary eyes some rest.


    On 16/3/05 08:37 Anonymous said...

    'Cause you're leavin' on a jet plane...

    On 5/4/05 21:58 Anonymous said...

    Mel you rock! We're going to have to get together sometime soon. I hope things are going well.


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