Return of the Blog

No, I haven't disappeared.

With all the holidays and moving and visits from friends and whatnot, blogging hasn't been high on the priority list. In fact, for the last month it probably ranked just above scrubbing my bathroom. But that's okay. Most of the people who read this get to see me in person (if not on a regular basis, then at least on very special occasions), and so we're caught up.

I've been officially moved into the new place for about a week and a half. It feels really good to be out of my scary apartment-hood. I've traded noisy neighbors at all hours for a squirrel in the attic whose visits are rare. It's not a bad trade.

I'm also the proud new owner of a digital camera, which I plan to use to the fullest when I have a free Saturday.

As for New Year's resolutions, mine is a re-dedication to the novel, which was unfortunately put on hold while I was packing, moving, and unpacking. I'm giving myself until April 1st to finish the second draft. Two thoughtful friends gave me new journals for Christmas, so I have a lot of writing to do. Plus, the new bedroom has a perfect desk-sized nook with a window. That's where I'll be until the spring.


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