
Your labors will bear many rewards.

Today's fortune cookie may actually be right. Next week I'm going to New Orleans with a group from church to do some clean-up work. The next week may be severely lacking in posts while I try to build up some overtime hours to cover the two days of work I'm missing and round up all the stuff I need to take with me.

I was excited about going until a few days ago. Truthfully, the prevalent emotion right now is fear. I'm not afraid of the work as much as what we might see (and, as we were warned Wednesday night, smell) while we're there. I can't begin to imagine what will be waiting for us during our three days of hard work in hot and humid New Orleans.

Lately our Bible study group has been talking a lot about our identities as Christians and what that means. I honestly think that means that people should be able to see who we are and that it should be so obvious because we are passionate about our Christianity (not that passion should be confused with other things, but that's another subject). And here's my opportunity. I've got a chance to help people I wouldn't meet otherwise. That's pretty amazing.

Pray for our safety as we leave Wednesday night and drive all night to New Orleans, and also for our group as we work there and then drive back.

Enjoy your weekend.


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