It's the end of the week. Do I really need a title?

And now, for some ramblings:

For those of you who are wondering, the iPod nano lived up to all my expectations. Upon a friend's suggestion, I take it to work every day, hook it up to my speakers, and have a very musical time while doing not-so-musical things (thanks, Blake). And while I always had music around, via the internet, or the cd player stashed under my desk, or the voices in my head, the iPod makes music selection much easier than any of my former methods.

Speaking of Mr. Blackwell, I think he should be today's GSA recipient. Not only did he get a job, but he's also downright enthusiastic about books, and that always deserves a gold star.

It's safe to say that I have no clue who reads this thing anymore. If you're feeling brave, or bored, or just plain feisty, go ahead and leave a comment. I promise not to stalk you or sell your information to the kid plotting world domination from his basement hovel.

For those of you who have befriended me lately, I blame you all for my lack of writing. Seriously, how's a girl supposed to finish her novel if she keeps getting invited to socialize with interesting people? That's not fair at all. I've turned into a serial socializer, and I don't know how to stop it. Pretty soon my couch will feel so neglected that it will look for a new home.

Okay, enough ramblings. Enjoy your weekend.


    I love my iPod Nano too! It's like the greatest invention since sliced bread! LOL...anyways, awesome blog! I'm hooked, and I hope I'll be one of the ones you blame from keeping you from that novel!


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