I could tell you the title, but that would be bad luck.

It's been five months since I decided to start this book, and four months since I finished the first draft.

It's been three months since I started the second draft. I'm giving myself four more to finish it. Factor in holidays, moving out of my apartment, Christmas shopping, and miscellaneous time-stealing things, and that leaves three months.

After that, I'm going to give it to a handful of folks who will hopefully provide insightful criticism that will aid in the third draft. I may take a month off and catch up on my reading.

Although I've been dissecting various parts of the book as I'm working on D2, last weekend I tried to sew most of it back together and see it as a whole again. Here's what I've got so far:

Most recent word count: 52,512

Pages: 301

Current songs in my iTunes novel mix (special songs I listen to whilst writing): 36

Current songs in my iTunes writing mixes (songs that block out noise of public places but don't distract me): 131

People who have requested autographed copies of the book: at least 23, give or take a few

This has been your random unsolicited novel update.

Enjoy your day.


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