Book Two

My reading pace for Book Two is not what it was for Book One. That's partially because I made a trip home for Father's Day weekend and didn't read as much as I'd planned. Only 80 pages to go, though.

I am contemplating a brief hiatus from WoT, either after finishing Book Two or Book Three (which already awaits me at home). There are a few reasons for the proposed break: 1) I like to vary what I read, and the last two weeks and 1500 pages have been nothing but WoT; 2) I have stacks of other non-WoT books that I haven't read, and they are calling to me; and 3) I don't want to become obsessed.

Reasons for not taking a break: 1) My 61 page-per-day goal (which I have to meet in order to read all the books by the release of Book Eleven) will greatly increase if I slip in some other stuff; 2) my memory has not been great, and if I stay away too long I will probably forget half of what's happened and be even more confused; 3) if I keep reading and exceed my goal every day, I will have time to read other books before October comes.

It will probably be my luck that these last 80 pages will be so good that I will want to go straight to the next one and forget all about my other books. Oh well.

Here's your chance to make an impact on my reading selection. Think of it as a not-as-exciting Choose Your Own Adventure book. If you want Mel to keep reading WoT with no thoughts of other books, turn to page 23. If you think she would be better off taking a break and catching up on her normal reading, turn to page 35.

Enjoy your day.


    The impression I got was that you are wondering what books to read. Read these books:
    The Da Vinci Code
    Angels and Demons
    (both by Dan Brown)
    The Love You Make (biography of Beatles
    Cash (bio of Johnny Cash)

    On 21/6/05 19:34 Anonymous said...

    Turn to page 35.


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