Book One

For those of you who are keeping up, I finished Book One today, racking up over 400 pages Saturday afternoon/evening. Except for a little cleaning and video-gaming, I didn't do anything but read. Yes, this meant that I didn't do much editing this week, but I really just wanted to push through and finish. I know I'll never catch up to the guys who are already on Five or Seven or whatever, but I'm still proud that I read the whole thing in a week.

This morning I started Book Two. Last time I only read the prologue before giving up on this one, so we'll see how long I can last. The problem is not that I don't want to know what happens; it's that I don't want to wade through the unneccessary stuff to get there. And yeah, I think there's some unneccessary stuff...I'm sure this will get a few people searching for something heavy to throw in my direction.

There's not much else to tell right now. I really am as boring as people say.


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