Random Thoughts for a Random Week

On Saturday I nearly drowned in a sea of crimson and cream. Am I the only one who finds it odd when the mall is full of families decked out in matching Soonerwear? I feel bad for these people who are so consumed by something so...trivial. There. I said it. Football is trivial.

I know why we call it Labor Day, but I wish it was called Non-Labor Day so we could all try to relax a bit more. This is probably true for a lot of people: every time you get a holiday or a vacation day, you try to cram as much work into it as possible-- all those things you think you never have time for on regular days. This just means that we are even more tired when we have to return to work, and dare I say it, probably a little grumpier than usual. Next time you have a holiday, try to do absolutely nothing. Think of it as your own personal Sabbath.

On Tuesday at B&N, a kid (I say kid, I mean college freshman, most likely) sat at the table next to mine, took out his massive textbook and calculator, opened the book, and was sound asleep within about 2 minutes. His head rolled to the side a couple of times, he would wake for a few seconds, and then be right back to sleep. Poor guy. This is why I don't do math in public.

This is the second week of no tennis, and I think it's starting to get to me. I had become accustomed to getting my weekly dose of therapy/aggression release on Wednesday nights, but now I have no such outlet. It's very different from the blog-therapy or Starbucks therapy. Instead, I went to IHOP with friends. I saw a creepy guy with a camera walk into the men's room and walk back out about 30 seconds later. I am wondering how many phone numbers he got off the wall.

I think we should implement a sick day for when you're just sick of work. I know some people could take advantage of this (like people who are suspiciously sick every Monday) but for the rest of us, it would be a nice respite during the week. If I were an employer, I would definitely have Sick-of-work Days.

I need a clean slate. I wonder if they sell those on eBay. Today is the start of a new phase of Mel, and it will be good.


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