
It's been a rough week all around. Writing's been kind of slow and not consisting of progress that word counts can measure. Instead of adding, I've been cutting a lot of fluff this week. Sure, it means better quality, but the quantity is down by several hundred or even a couple thousand words. I know it shouldn't mean a lot, but it's somewhat disheartening. I can see the end, but I just don't know how to get there. And I think I've actually put up a few obstacles for myself. Plus, I've still got lots of packing to do in the next 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to being in the new place, but the transition is rough.

Trying to soothe myself with movies of the literary ilk this week. Finding Neverland, Stranger than Fiction, etc. If you can't read books, at least watch TV that's book-related, right?


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