It's Alive!

Well friends, after several days of consideration, I've decided to renew the ol' blog. Why, you ask? (Yes you did. I heard you.)

1. Although I've recently been putting myself out on the 'net in various forms lately via Facebook and Twitter and Urbis, there is something to be said for having a place to jot down completely random thoughts in the manner that blogging allows (FYI, this used to be done with a couple of things called 'pen' and 'journal').

2. I've been more dedicated to actually finishing my novel lately, and it's would be a good idea to chart my progress, rant, and what-have-you instead of driving a few people crazy with my constant talk of the book. Some people are already miles past Fed Up With Me. It may be too late for them.

3. I missed it. I missed the kind of writing that I can do when blogging. And even if I have a total readership of 1, I know that one person will enjoy what she's reading.

So, for the first time in a long time, I get to type this:

Enjoy your day!


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