Blog, Take 27

Okay, so it's been two months since the last post. I'm okay with that. You should be, too. That is, you who live close and can just talk to me in person should be okay with that. You who are states, nay, even countries away from me...well, you have a right to be irrate.

I could make a list of reasons why the blog has suffered. Gateway, float trip, novel, life in general...but that gets old, I know. Or I could just suck it up and blog.

But before you say yes, I ask you this: do you really want to hear all about the skin-peeling aftermath of the float trip? It goes something like this: Week One: Live in absolute pain and slather myself with healing goo every few hours. Week Two: Lose top layer of dermis like so many snakes. Week Three (forthcoming): Hope that I can once again wear shorts/capris without looking like someone took a baseball bat to my shins. (P.S. - Yes, I used sunscreen.) I could tell you about the presumably drunken frat boy standing in the river wearing a bikini bottom and threatening to take it off as our raftload of girls shielded our eyes and paddled furiously by...eww.

On another drier front, I am learning how to play tennis. Every Wednesday after church, a few of us play until the lights shut off. I have not played a real game yet. Everyone else is actually good at the game, and so I am completely intimidated and even more clutzy than usual. But they have taken pity on me by giving informal lessons and telling me that I actually am improving. I should be investing in my own racket very soon.

I'm sure there's more to tell, but I should save it for another day if I'm going to make this reincarnation last.

Enjoy your day.


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