Saturday Surprise

After Thursday night/Friday morning's Harry Potter extravaganza, I didn't want to do anything on Friday evening that required me leaving my apartment. I did some packing, some TV-ing, and some gaming, but mostly I basked in the comfort of my little cave.

After waking at a perfectly decent hour Saturday morning, I got a phone call from a friend. I think I was watching a Spiderman/X-Men cartoon at the time. (There are so few good Saturday morning cartoons these days.)

The purpose of said phone call was a happy one indeed; Coldplay is coming to town in February, and my friend was checking to see if I was interested in going. Well...that's really a silly question. Coldplay is one of my top 5 favorites, and I've never been to a "real" concert before.

And then after the confirmation phone call a little while later, I snuggled back on the couch of couches and settled in for a repeat of Friday's performance with alternating sessions of Friends Season 10 and Scrubs Season 2. Yes, it was a good weekend.

I'm narrowing down paint colors for the bedroom in the new house. A part of me says that I should get a couple of shades and test them out for a few days to see how they look at different times of the day. The more hasty part of me just wants to go straight to the painting without the sampling process.

The new color scheme necessitates painting about half of my furniture, which is hard to do when my only choices are to paint in my not-so-well ventilated bedroom (the other rooms being overcome with boxes) or to attempt painting on my too cold and too small balcony.

The next few weeks will include a blog-reduced diet as I try to fit everything I own into moving boxes and scrub two years' worth of living off of my apartment. Just wanted to warn you.

Enjoy your day.


    Wasnt Harry Potter so good? Yeah, they missed a few scenes from the book, but come on...2 and a half is really long...

    And for your room, you know, you can always put fans in there to air it out, along with candles...just a suggestion.

    One last thing...what do you mean by "real" concert?

    On 21/11/05 21:21 Anonymous said...

    Pink... go pink!

    On 22/11/05 07:03 Mel said...

    Yes, HP was VERY good, even if they had to leave out some things. I think they captured the core of the story, so I can overlook anything they had to omit.

    As for the "real" concert thing, I've been to lots of concerts at school, a few at fairs and things, but I've never been to an all-out, big venue, audience of thousands kind of concert. This will be my first.

    On 22/11/05 07:03 Mel said...

    Pink? C'mon Loraine, you know I'm not that kind of girl.

    On 22/11/05 12:42 Anonymous said...

    Yes, I know the ludicrousness of that statement, silly. Thus the basis of its appeal.


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