
If you are visiting the site solely for the novel-writing update and not any personal confessions, this post is for you.

I am about 1,000 words behind my daily goal. The end of week one with its court visits and bond posting nightmares put me off track a bit, as did the co-purchase of a video game system with a friend. (This friend is the person who always tells me that I will fail miserably at writing, and I am beginning to think that the Thursday purchase was merely an attempt to make me lose all focus of the novel so I will have to buy him Star Wars tickets. He's a very clever boy.) Of course, the book that inspired this whole novel thing warned that there would be a creativity slump, and I have been waist-deep in the slump. (I imagine that slumps are a combination of pudding, glue, and red clay mud, all of which make exiting the slump a tiring chore.)

Good news: I had a fabulous day at work and am now feeling a mixture of productivity and inspiration that should carry me through to my word goal for today, which should put me at 20,004 words. So when I arrive home around 9 tonight, I should be itchin' to pound out some good stuff.

And now I have to give praise to Loraine, who has been my literary confidant for several years, and is always honest and encouraging about my writing, even when it is just plain bad. She will probably be prominently featured on every acknowledgement page I ever write.

Enjoy your friends.


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