Hi, my name is Mel, and I'm a bookaholic.
According to
bookpedia, I am the proud owner of 199 books (You thought it would be more? I did, too. I may have missed some.) Some of those I've had since grade school, when I used to keep my scratch-n-sniff homework stickers in the covers. (Trust me, it was cool at the time.) Some of them were brand new hardback releases when I bought them; others are second- or third- or fourth-hand books from garage sales and end of the semester fundraising book sales.
I still have all of my college lit books. I think it's wrong to sell them. I couldn't consider selling any of my books at my parents' garage sale this summer-- I even rescued a couple of books that my sister wanted to sell. When I was younger I relinquished all of my old Nancy Drew books to a garage sale. I still regret that, because I wish I could read them again. One day I will live in a house that has a room just for books. I read while waiting in traffic, standing in line, getting haircuts, taking baths, sitting in restaurants.
B & N has been sending out oodles of coupons lately, so I took them up on their offer and bought three new books last night. I think my total new purchases for the last month are around 10. And no, I haven't read them all. Not even close. I thought I would try to read a book a week, but that probably won't happen. I just can't seem to stop. And last night I realized how smart those book people are. They send out emails advertising a new book, and then set up a big display of said book right at the entrance. And you can bet that we see the emails, are intrigued, and dash off to the store ASAP. That coffee and new book smell that hits you at the front door-- that is my drug of choice.
So here I am, surrounded by all these books that I want to read, and I'm a bit conflicted.
I want to read, pretty much all the time. I think if I could trade sleep for reading, I'd do it.
And then I remember that there is a real world, and I should participate in it.
I think that I should stop buying any new books until I've read at least half of the new 10. If you see me at B & N, make sure I don't buy anything new.
Of course, there's always
Enjoy your day.